Update from Bruce Van Voorhis:
We're hoping to get a good turnout of MTR members at the Wauseon National Meet that runs July 20 - 22 at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Ohio. This annual event is run by AMCA (Antique Motorcycle Club of America) and focuses on machines at least 35 years old. There is a large swap meet all weekend, vintage dirt flat track races Friday night, and field events Saturday. MTR will have 4 vendor spots located together, anchored by Mike Shelvey's usual spot for MA's, and this will offer a good meeting place for members and a sleeping option for some like me who plan to stay overnight. Several MTR folks have gone in the past and found it very enjoyable. The traditional emphasis has been on pre-WWII American bikes, but the scope has expanded to Brit bikes and others as time marches on. This year's featured brand is Indian (which is fitting since I expect to win a 1948 Indian Chief in the AMA drawing the same weekend at Vintage Motorcycle Days -- I bought enough tickets). Check it out at http://wauseonnationalmeet.org.
I plan to lead a ride down to Wauseon on Friday, July 20, and invite any interested members to join us. Both vintage and modern bikes are welcome - will limit top speed to about 55 mph. We'll follow a route that's vintage bike friendly and takes back roads as much as possible -- a few of us have done it several times and always liked it. Meeting place is in Plymouth Twp at the corner of 5 Mile and Beck Roads, SW corner in the Bank of America parking lot. This is across the street from a Shell station where people can top off if they need to (important for me with my 2.2 gal tank). Departure time is 8:30 am. The route meanders past Ypsilanti to Stoney Creek Rd then takes Ridge Rd/Hwy and some smaller roads to Adrian, after which it's boring but practical M52 to Ohio where this becomes OH109, then OH20 and OH108 to the fairground - about 80 miles. Cliff Opalewski has offered to ferry sleeping bags and other stuff people might not find easy to pack on their bikes -- you'll have to get it to him before hand.
Friday is the best day to go if you have to pick one. I plan to stay over and leave sometime Saturday. Sunday is a quiet day and most of the vendors are just packing up.
Please let me know if you're interested in the ride so I can get an idea of the number. Email me or call my cell at (check the member list for his number).